Saul Wajntraub
Leadership & High-Performance Teams expert
Saul’s passion for coaching leaders to achieve high performance begins with a lifetime love of sport. A 25-year corporate career has been highlighted with leadership roles at many levels for some of Australia’s largest companies.
Saul utilises his 10 years of experience in designing and delivering leadership coaching programs, 20 years learning and development experience and delivery of over 500 workshops and logged 1000+ coaching hours to build his workshops and coaching techniques.
In the last 12 months, Saul has had the opportunity to utilise these skills remotely, delivering training and coaching during the Pandemic.
He complements this design and delivery skill with over 15 years’ experience leading teams for some of Australia’s biggest companies including Australia Post, Telstra and Yellow Pages.

Experience that matters
Saul understands great leadership in a theoretical but most importantly practical way. The side by side by side (S3) embedded coaching method has been used extensively by Saul and his teams over the last decade to provide in the moment feedback to leaders that enhances performance. It is this S3 coaching technique that forms the methodology for the Real Leadership Company.
Saul has also designed and delivered programs for companies such as Salmat, Securepay, Expedia, Transurban, and Medibank so understands what great leadership looks like for leaders of both small and large business.
Real Leadership Company
Saul’s business, The Real Leadership was founded in 2017 and his decades of exposure to many Australian businesses has enabled him to refine and adapt his training to help businesses develop a successful culture that gets results.
Saul is known as the coach who will equip you with the tools to unlock the discretionary effort from your people, the facilitator to inspire your people to want to lead and the designer to help you build a sustainable leadership culture in your business.
When Saul isn’t working…
Partner Michelle and boys Jack (15) and Tex (12) are all lovers of sport and are highly active in competition cricket, tennis and football. Saul plays a highly active leadership role in both junior and senior sport, coaching his sons and also captaining cricket teams for the last decade.
When not immersed in junior and club sport or following professional sports, music is their other passion. Michelle and Saul get out to see live gigs as often as they can!
A lover of sport himself (Saul is still playing competitive cricket), he’s also been known to suffer the odd injury and he is currently recovering from recent knee surgery. Thankfully that doesn’t stop him from running online courses and he assures us he’ll be back up and running (and playing cricket again) in 2022.

Saul Wajntraub Customer Testimonials
One thing that is abundantly clear is the impact Saul Wajntraub has had on anyone who has completed his leadership training courses with just a small sample of testimonials below.
Private and Public Training Course Options
Many of Saul’s courses are conducted publicly enabling you to send as few as one person or multiple with a list of all of Saul Wajntraub’s upcoming public courses listed below when available.
Saul is also available to conduct private training courses (either in person or remotely) which enables more flexibility with delivery, the ability to customise content to align specifically to your business and for larger groups it can also be more cost-effective.